Tuesday, January 27, 2015

BR 2-09: Cinderella (Alison, 2004)

"Oh yes!" (P.45)

This is a very famous story in the world. A girl Cinderella was work in a three women's house. She was wear dirty clothes, and she looked very poor.

The day, three women went to the party in this country. This party could meet a prince in this country, so three women looked very happy. Of cause, Cinderella wanted to go there, but she couldn't.

Suddenly, a godmother appeared in front of Cinderella, and she used magic. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She wears beautiful dress and ride on a beautiful golden coach. Cinderella went to the party and fallen love with prince.

After Cinderella came home, prince started searching her. Finally, prince could pick up Cinderella, and they married. This is a Cinderella story.
(124 words)


Alison, Kelly. (2004).Cinderella. England: USBORNE.

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