Friday, January 23, 2015

BR 2-07: The Hare and the Tortoise (Mairi, 2007)

"I'll race you Harry," (P.12 L.3) 

This story is about rabbit and turtle. Rabbit’s name is Harry, and turtle’s name is Tom.

They worked together. Harry was very good at running. He was thought that he was a best runner in the world by people. Of cause, he thought as well.

One day, they decided to join the marathon. Of cause everyone thought that Harry is going to get a first prize. Harry could afford to run, so he started to sleep. He slept very well, and he forgot about the marathon. 

Suddenly, he got up and remind of running. However, it was too late. Tom of turtle had already finished. Then, Tom got a first prize. It became a reversal game.
(116 words)

Mairi, Mackinnon. (2007). The Hare and the Tortoise. England: USBORNE.

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