Friday, October 24, 2014

TP-10: Chocolate

My favorite food is chocolate. I like sweet food very much, but I like chocolate the best of all sweet food. I often eat or buy nuts chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate crepe, chocolate pun cake, chocolate parfait, and so on. When I can’t choose food’s flavor, I choose chocolate taste right away. When I go to thirty-one ice cream, I always order a chocolate ice cream. There have many kinds of chocolate ice cream, so I want to recommend you. In particular, I recommend you nuts and chocolate ice. It is very delicious and very popular among a lot of people. I often eat chocolate, when I tired and I want me to cheer up. I have a part-time job. Sometimes, it is hard for me, because I have to work until 22 o’clock. When I came home, I often eat chocolate.

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